As an outdoor recreation service, All Seasons has an intrinsic obligation and duty to operate sustainably, and contribute to outdoor restoration efforts. We all benefit from outdoor conservation and preservation. Park City Chamber recently released their new sustainable tourism plan in October of 2022. This plan includes several objectives and principles that support community stewardship over the land and culture of Park City. This plan for city development came in response to the overwhelming numbers of tourists traveling to enjoy the beautiful mountain town. The city recognized the need for sustainable change and to refocus onto preserving the town’s charm, before the tourism industry ran the locals out, along with their valuable contributions.
All Seasons has committed to adopting these principles and objectives ourselves, and are now taking renewed responsibility for running our business in an environmentally feasible format. So what exactly does All Seasons do to make it so? Our efforts can be split into three main categories: Recycling, Education, and Non-Profit Donation. In this blog we hope to shed some light on our practices, and open ourselves to public feedback on how we can even better contribute to the rising culture of stewardship.
We consider ourselves as having an advanced system for making sure our recyclables do not end up in a landfill. We have several different barrels on our grounds with detailed instructions on what can be recycled. We encourage employees to wash/rinse their food residue off plastics, and while we do provide single use water bottles for guests, we encourage them to bring their own. All Seasons also hosts and sponsors pre-season river clean ups, where guides and the community can participate in collecting trash from the Weber river.
Prevention is the first defense when dealing with environmental degradation, and education is the first step to prevention. People can’t avoid bad behavior, if they don’t know what counts as bad. Our guides take special care to inform the tourists they take out, and teach about the land as well as the protection put on it. As for our guides, we make sure that Leave No Trace and other environmental principals are taught during the training period, and that all guides have a full understanding of how to recreate responsibly. Additionally, All Seasons has started a monthly publication titled “What’s Up in the Wasatch” to educate readers on the challenges of a growing population on our state’s natural resources. The blog is published the first Wednesday of every month.
Probably the most impact All Seasons Adventures makes for the community is the large amount of donations we have made to foundations like Summit Land Conservancy, Wasatch Trails Foundation, and The National Ability Center. Overall, All Seasons has donated over $5,000 in the form of cash donations, auction giveaways, and discounts. Donations like these are used to improve trails, maintenance, and access in our wild spaces. For more information or to also donate to these nonprofits, visit https://www.wesaveland.org/ , https://www.wasatchtrails.org/ , or https://new.discovernac.org/ .