I used to think that silence was the absence of noise- but silence is something better than that. Hiking in Park City and the Uinta Mountain Range can teach you that silence is actually a cacophony of sounds which culminate with a deep contentment. Silence is the noise that reverberates within you in response to the rhythmic thud of your boots as you travel a rocky trail and it is the buzzing of beetles and bees in the beds of wildflowers as you pass. Silence is the quaking of the aspen leaves as they’re delighted by the passing wind and the rustle of scurrying field mice in the fallen scrub oak leaves. It is the smell of pine sap oozing and the phenomenon you feel when you examine the stamen of the sticky geranium, and it is the delight that surfaces with the realization that an elephants ear flower really does look like it has dozens of tiny elephant trunks exuding from its stem. Silence isn’t quiet or absent, but it is the absence of worry and anxiety and hustle and bustle and to-do lists and deadlines. Silence isn’t a sound (or the lack thereof); it’s an act- the act of tuning in to the place in which you stand.

Come on a hike with us and experience some beauty, history, and fun- we bet you’ll leave feeling better than you came. Call 435-649-9619 to book.
Learn about the beautiful native wildflowers you may see on your hike in this short video below.